Benefits of Caffeine for Health
The reason coffee can make you excited is because of the efficacy of caffeine in the brain. Are you among those who start an activity with a cup of coffee? You are not alone. Many people who need caffeine-laden coffee as a stimulant in the morning.
Not only as a stimulant, caffeine can also inhibit adenosine receptors. The impact can make you more energized and feel more energized.
Even so, caffeine does not only come from coffee. A cup of tea or a bar of your favorite chocolate turns out to have caffeine content. Caffeine is also widely used in certain drugs.
But behind that, you want to know what are the benefits of caffeine and what health risks can it cause?
The Positive Side of Caffeine
Various studies were conducted to find out more about caffeine. Like the two sides of the coin, caffeine has the benefits and risks that can be caused. Here are some positive aspects of caffeine, including:Reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes
Consuming coffee with excessive caffeine content, is often associated with the ability to suppress the possibility of heart disease and diabetes. This is related to the content of chlorogenic acid (chlorogenic acid) in caffeine.
Improve memory and cognitive abilities
Researchers concluded that participants who consumed caffeine from coffee in the morning had better grades on the test, compared to those who did not consume coffee. Also mentioned, coffee can increase natural cognitive abilities which decline with age.
High in antioxidant content
Tea contains caffeine, as well as high antioxidants that can protect from diseases such as cancer. High antioxidants can prevent conditions such as colon cancer and increase the burning of sugar in the body. Caffeine is also thought to be good for helping to treat gout.
Need to Watch Out for Caffeine
Caffeine can have a negative impact on health if consumed in excess.Hard to sleep
Caffeine can cause insomnia. Adult sleep needs around 7-8 hours every night. Lack of sleep, even in small amounts, can disrupt your alertness and performance during the day. The cycle that must be avoided is the habit of consuming caffeine to keep you awake during the day because it can make it difficult to sleep at night.
Can cause osteoporosis
The caffeine in coffee can make the body excrete calcium through urine. If taken excessively, this can trigger osteoporosis. The body loses about 6 mg of calcium per 100 mg (about one cup of coffee) of caffeine. This effect is more likely to occur in the elderly. If you are a coffee lover, it helps you increase calcium intake.
Triggering wrinkles on the face
Although it is said to have antioxidant content, excessive consumption can trigger wrinkles on the face. That is caused by dehydration. Caffeine makes the body more fluids through urine. When you consume caffeinated drinks, make sure you accompany water to maintain adequate body fluids.
Causes chest thumping
In sensitive people, caffeine can cause palpitations. This condition is more likely to occur if you consume high doses of caffeine.
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